Welcome to our comprehensive guide to robot vacuum cleaners in Malaysia!

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of robot vacuum cleaners and how they can revolutionize your cleaning routine.

We will also delve into the key features to consider when purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner and provide a curated list of the top models available in Malaysia. Say goodbye to tedious vacuuming and hello to effortlessly clean floors!

Kelebihan dan kelemahan penggunaan robot vakum pembersih

Overview of Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Robot vacuum cleaners have gained popularity in recent years as a convenient and efficient tool for cleaning floors.

These compact devices are equipped with sensors and algorithms that allow them to navigate around homes and automatically vacuum the floors, saving time and effort for homeowners.

In Malaysia, the demand for robot vacuum cleaners has been steadily growing.

With the rise in urban living and busy lifestyles, people are looking for effective solutions to maintain a clean and tidy home without sacrificing their valuable time.

Robot vacuum cleaners provide the perfect solution, as they can clean various types of floors, including hardwood, tiles, and carpeted surfaces.

Manfaat Menggunakan Robot Penyapu

Benefits of Using Robot Vacuum Cleaners

There are several benefits to using a robot vacuum cleaner in Malaysia.

Here are some key advantages:

  1. Time-saving: Robot vacuum cleaners can clean your floors while you focus on other tasks or relax. They can be programmed or controlled remotely, allowing you to schedule cleaning sessions at your convenience.
  2. Efficiency: These intelligent devices use advanced sensors to navigate around obstacles, ensuring thorough cleaning of all areas. They can detect dirt and adjust their cleaning patterns accordingly, resulting in cleaner floors.
  3. Convenience: Robot vacuum cleaners are designed to be user-friendly. They can automatically return to their charging stations when their battery is low and resume cleaning once recharged. You can also control them through smartphone apps, making it easy to manage your cleaning schedule.
  4. Compact and versatile: Robot vacuum cleaners are compact in size and can easily maneuver around tight spaces and under furniture. They are equipped with different brushes and suction power settings to tackle various types of dirt and debris.
  5. Allergen reduction: Robot vacuum cleaners often come with high-efficiency filters that can trap dust, pollen, and other allergens. This is especially beneficial for individuals with allergies or respiratory issues.

Top Robot Vacuum Cleaners in Malaysia

Now that we’ve covered the benefits and key features of robot vacuum cleaners, let’s explore some of the top models available in Malaysia.

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Vacuum Cleaner

1. Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2

The Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 is a high-quality robot vacuum cleaner that offers efficient cleaning performance and advanced navigation technology.

One of the standout features of this robot vacuum cleaner is its intelligent mapping system

It uses a laser distance sensor (LDS) and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm to create an accurate map of your home. This allows the vacuum cleaner to create efficient cleaning routes and avoid unnecessary repetition.

Furthermore, the device has a generous battery capacity, allowing it to clean large areas without interruption. It automatically returns to its docking station to recharge when the battery is low and resumes cleaning from where it left off.

iRobot Roomba i7+ (7550) Robot Vacuum with Automatic Dirt Disposal

2. iRobot Roomba i7+

The iRobot Roomba i7+ is a cutting-edge robot vacuum cleaner that takes cleaning to the next level.

One of the standout features of the Roomba i7+ is its self-emptying base

This base automatically empties the debris collected by the vacuum into a dustbin. This means that you don't have to worry about manually emptying the vacuum for weeks at a time.

Equipped with iAdapt 3.0 Navigation with vSLAM technology, the Roomba i7+ maps your home and uses visual and acoustic sensors to navigate and clean your floors effectively. It can detect and avoid obstacles, ensuring a thorough cleaning in every corner of your home.

Ecovacs DEEBOT N8 Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner

3. Ecovacs Deebot N8 Pro+

The Ecovacs Deebot N8 Pro+ is a state-of-the-art robot vacuum cleaner that brings convenience and efficiency to your daily cleaning routine.

Featuring intelligent mapping technology, the Deebot N8 Pro+ creates an optimized cleaning route of your home, ensuring thorough cleaning without missing any spots.

Equipped with an advanced mopping system, the Deebot N8 Pro+ not only sweeps and vacuums but also mops your floors. The intelligent water tank system ensures the right amount of water is used for efficient mopping without excess moisture, protecting your floors from damage.

Roborock S6 MaxV

4. Roborock S6 MaxV

The Roborock S6 MaxV is a state-of-the-art robot vacuum cleaner that is revolutionizing the cleaning experience in Malaysia.

Equipped with LiDAR navigation and stereo cameras, this robot vacuum cleaner can accurately detect and avoid obstacles in its path, such as furniture, toys, or cords.

The Roborock S6 MaxV also boasts powerful suction capabilities. Its brushless motor and 2500Pa suction power can effectively pick up dirt, dust, and even pet hair from various surfaces, including carpets and hard floors.

With its large dustbin capacity, it can clean your entire home without needing frequent emptying.

Tineco iFloor 3 Breeze Cordless Wet Dry Mop Vacuum Cleaner

5. Tineco iFLOOR 3

The Tineco iFLOOR 3 is a top-of-the-line robot vacuum cleaner that offers a range of impressive features and specifications.

One of the standout features of the Tineco iFLOOR3 is its dual functionality.

It not only vacuums your floors but also has the ability to wet mop, providing a thorough and comprehensive clean. This feature is particularly beneficial for homes with a combination of hard floors and carpets.

Equipped with powerful suction capabilities, this robot vacuum cleaner effectively removes dust, dirt, and debris from various surfaces. Its smart navigation system ensures that it maneuvers around obstacles and efficiently covers every corner of your home.

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Fungsi dan kegunaan robot vacuum cleaner

Factors to Consider before Buying a Robot Vacuum Cleaner

When looking to purchase a robot vacuum cleaner in Malaysia, there are several factors to consider before making your final decision.

Here are some important factors to keep in mind:

  1. Cleaning Performance: Look for a robot vacuum cleaner that has strong suction power and effective cleaning brushes to ensure thorough cleaning of your floors. Some models also come with features like mapping technology that allows the robot to navigate and clean more efficiently.
  2. Battery Life and Charging Time: Check the battery life and charging time of the vacuum cleaner. You'll want a model that can clean your entire living space without needing frequent recharging.
  3. Dustbin Capacity: Consider the size of the dustbin. A larger dustbin capacity means the robot can collect more dirt and debris before needing to be emptied.
  4. Wi-Fi Connectivity and App Control: Some advanced robot vacuum cleaners offer Wi-Fi connectivity and can be controlled through a smartphone app. This allows you to schedule cleaning sessions, monitor the cleaning progress, and control the robot remotely.
  5. Pet-Friendly Features: If you have pets, look for a robot vacuum cleaner that has specialized features like tangle-free brushes and allergy filters to effectively clean up pet hair and dander.


Choosing the ideal robot vacuum cleaner depends on your specific needs and preferences.

If you have a large home with multiple rooms and want advanced features like mapping and mobile app control, the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner or the iRobot Roomba 980 would be suitable options. They provide efficient cleaning and technological advancements.

If you are on a budget but still want a reliable cleaning solution, the ECOVACS Deebot N79T is a great choice. It offers decent cleaning performance, app control, and voice assistant compatibility.

Consider factors such as the size of your home, the type of flooring, and the presence of pets or allergies when making your decision.

Ultimately, investing in a robot vacuum cleaner will save you time and effort, allowing you to enjoy a cleaner home without the manual labor.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Can robot vacuums go over rugs? 

Yes, robot vacuums can go over rugs. They are designed to clean various types of flooring, including rugs. Most robot vacuums have sensors that allow them to detect different surfaces and adjust their cleaning settings accordingly.

2. Can robot vacuum clean carpet?

Yes, robot vacuums can clean carpets. They are specifically designed to effectively clean carpeted surfaces. Robot vacuums utilize powerful suction and rotating brushes to remove dirt, debris, and pet hair from carpet fibers.

3. Can robot vacuums go over bumps?

Yes, most robot vacuums can go over small bumps. They are equipped with sensors that enable them to detect obstacles and navigate around them. This allows them to traverse over small bumps, such as thresholds or door sills, without getting stuck or causing damage.

4. Is a vacuum robot worth it?

Yes, a vacuum robot can be worth the investment. They offer convenience, time-saving benefits, efficient cleaning, and pet hair removal. With a vacuum robot, you can come back to a clean home without having to manually vacuum yourself.

5. What is the best robot vacuum and mop for pet hair?

The best robot vacuum and mop for pet hair depend on individual preferences and needs. Some highly recommended options for handling pet hair include the iRobot Roomba i7+, Roborock S6 MaxV, and Neato Botvac D7 Connected.

6. How does robot vacuum mop work?

Robot vacuum mops combine the functionalities of both a vacuum cleaner and a mop. They use suction power to remove dirt and debris from the floor while simultaneously mopping the surface with a water tank and microfiber cloth attachment.

7. How do robot vacuum mops work?

Robot vacuum mops work by using their suction power to remove dirt and debris from the floor. Simultaneously, they dispense water from a tank onto a mop cloth attachment, which then wipes the surface clean.

8. Which Xiaomi vacuum robot is best?

Xiaomi offers several high-quality vacuum robots. The best Xiaomi vacuum robot depends on individual needs and preferences. Some popular models include the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P and the Xiaomi Roborock S5 Max.

9. Which robot vacuum mop is best?

The best robot vacuum mop depends on individual needs and preferences. Some top contenders in the market include the Roborock S7 and the iRobot Braava Jet m6. These models offer advanced features and efficient cleaning performance.

10. Robot vacuum cleaner for carpets?

Many robot vacuums are suitable for cleaning carpets. Look for models with strong suction power and rotating brushes specifically designed for carpet cleaning. Some highly recommended options include the iRobot Roomba series, Roborock S6 MaxV, and Neato Botvac D7 Connected.

11. Robot vacuum cleaner for tile floors?

Robot vacuums can easily clean tile floors, as they are equipped with sensors to detect different surfaces and adjust their cleaning settings accordingly.

12. Robot vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors?

Robot vacuums are safe and efficient for cleaning hardwood floors, as they are designed to avoid scratching or damaging the surface.

13. Robot vacuum cleaner for pet hair?

Many robot vacuums are specifically designed to tackle pet hair, with strong suction and specialized brushes to effectively remove pet hair from floors and carpets.

14. What is Robot vacuum cleaner pros and cons?

Pros include convenience, time-saving, efficient cleaning, and pet-friendliness. Cons may include limitations in navigating tight spaces or handling large debris.

15. Which robot vacuum cleaner is the best?

The best robot vacuum cleaner depends on individual needs and preferences. Some popular models include iRobot Roomba, Roborock, Neato, and Xiaomi.

16. What is a vacuum cleaner robot?

A vacuum cleaner robot, also known as a robot vacuum, is an automated device that cleans floors by utilizing suction power and brushes.

17. What is Robot vacuum cleaner advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages include convenience, time-saving, efficient cleaning, and pet-friendliness. Disadvantages may include limitations in navigating tight spaces or handling large debris.

18. What is Benefits of a robot vacuum?

Benefits include convenience, time-saving, efficient cleaning, pet hair removal, and the ability to reach difficult-to-access areas.

19. Why buy a robot vacuum?

Robot vacuums offer convenience, time-saving benefits, efficient cleaning, and pet hair removal. They can also help maintain a clean and dust-free environment.

20. What to look for when buying a robot vacuum?

Consider factors such as suction power, navigation technology, battery life, smart features, dustbin capacity, and floor type compatibility.

21. What robot vacuum should I buy?

The best robot vacuum depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as floor type compatibility, suction power, navigation technology, and additional features.

22. Which robot vacuum is best for hardwood floors?

Robot vacuums with gentle brushes and strong suction are ideal for hardwood floors to avoid scratching or damaging the surface. Look for models with hardwood floor cleaning modes.

23. Which robot vacuum is quietest?

Some robot vacuums are designed to operate quietly. Look for models with noise reduction technology or lower decibel ratings.

24. Which robot vacuum has the strongest suction?

Several robot vacuums offer strong suction power. Look for models with high Pascal (Pa) ratings or specified “Max” suction capabilities.

25. Which robot vacuum cleaner is best for home?

The best robot vacuum cleaner for your home depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as floor type compatibility, suction power, navigation technology, and additional features.

26. Which robot vacuum should I buy?

The best robot vacuum depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as floor type compatibility, suction power, navigation technology, and additional features.

27. Which robot vacuum is best for pet hair?

Several robot vacuums are designed specifically to tackle pet hair. Look for models with strong suction power, specialized brushes, and anti-tangle features.

28. Will a robot vacuum work without Wi-Fi?

Yes, a robot vacuum can still perform its cleaning functions without Wi-Fi connectivity. However, you will not be able to access smart features or control the device remotely without Wi-Fi.

29. Can a robot vacuum work in the dark?

Most robot vacuums are equipped with infrared or laser sensors that allow them to navigate in low-light conditions. However, complete darkness may affect their performance as they rely on sensors to detect obstacles and map the environment.

30. Can robot vacuums go down stairs?

No, robot vacuums cannot go down stairs. They are designed to operate on a single level and have sensors to detect cliffs or drops, preventing them from falling down stairs.

31. Can robot vacuum clean corners?

Robot vacuums are equipped with side brushes and edge cleaning modes to effectively clean corners and edges of rooms.

32. Can robot vacuums go over transitions?

Yes, most robot vacuums can go over small transitions between different flooring surfaces, such as rugs and low thresholds.

33. Can robot vacuums go from hardwood to carpet?

Yes, robot vacuums can transition from hardwood floors to carpets. They have sensors that detect different surfaces and adjust their cleaning settings accordingly.

34. Can robot vacuums go up stairs?

No, robot vacuums cannot go up stairs. They are designed to operate on a single level and have sensors to detect cliffs or drops, preventing them from going up stairs.

35. Can robot vacuums go over thresholds?

Yes, most robot vacuums can go over low thresholds. However, it’s important to ensure that the threshold is within the specified height limit of your robot vacuum.

36. Can robot vacuum clean stairs?

No, robot vacuums cannot clean stairs. They are designed to operate on flat surfaces and do not have the ability to navigate stairs.

37. Will robot vacuum fall down stairs?

No, robot vacuums are equipped with sensors that detect cliffs or drops, preventing them from falling down stairs.

38. How to clean robot vacuum filter?

To clean a robot vacuum filter, carefully remove the filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Tap or brush off any loose debris, and rinse the filter with water if it is washable. Allow the filter to dry completely before reinserting it into the robot vacuum.

39. How to reset robot vacuum?

To reset a robot vacuum, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions as the reset process may vary depending on the model. Typically, it involves pressing and holding a specific button or combination of buttons on the robot vacuum.

40. Why is my robot vacuum not mopping?

There could be several reasons why your robot vacuum is not mopping. Check if the water tank is properly filled and installed, ensure that the mopping attachment is securely attached, and make sure that the mop cloth is clean and not excessively wet.

41. Why is my robot vacuum spinning in circles?

If your robot vacuum is spinning in circles, it may be stuck or encountering an obstacle. Check for any obstructions such as tangled debris or objects blocking the wheels. Additionally, ensure that the sensors are clean and free from dust or dirt.

42. Why is my robot vacuum not moving?

Several factors can cause a robot vacuum to not move. Check if the wheels are obstructed or tangled with debris, ensure that the battery is sufficiently charged, and make sure that there are no error codes or issues displayed on the robot vacuum’s control panel.

43. Why is my robot vacuum offline?

If your robot vacuum is offline, check if the Wi-Fi connection is stable and if the robot vacuum is within range of the Wi-Fi network. Additionally, ensure that the mobile app or control hub is functioning properly and that there are no connectivity issues.

44. Why is my robot vacuum beeping?

Beeping sounds from a robot vacuum can indicate various issues such as low battery, error codes, or alerts for maintenance tasks like emptying the dustbin. Refer to the user manual or contact customer support for further assistance.

45. Why did my robot vacuum turn on by itself?

If your robot vacuum turned on by itself, it may be due to accidental activation of a scheduled cleaning program or a malfunction in the control settings. Double-check the scheduling settings and consider contacting customer support if the issue persists.

46. Why is my robot vacuum so loud?

Robot vacuums typically produce some noise during operation due to their motors and suction mechanisms. However, excessive noise could indicate a problem such as clogged filters or brushes. Cleaning or replacing these components may help reduce noise levels.

47. Why is my robot vacuum going in circles?

If your robot vacuum is going in circles, it may be due to sensor issues or wheel obstructions. Clean the sensors and check for any tangled debris around the wheels. If the problem persists, contact customer support for further assistance.

48. Why is my robot vacuum squeaking?

Squeaking sounds from a robot vacuum may indicate that certain components such as brushes or wheels need lubrication or replacement. Refer to the user manual or contact.

49. Why is my robot vacuum not charging?

If your robot vacuum is not charging, check if the power cord is securely connected to both the dock and the power outlet. Ensure that the dock is placed on a stable surface and that the charging contacts on the robot vacuum and dock are clean and free from debris.

50. Where to recycle a robot vacuum?

To recycle a robot vacuum, check with your local recycling centers or electronic waste disposal facilities. They may have specific guidelines for disposing of electronic devices.

51. Where to put robot vacuum dock?

Place the robot vacuum dock in an easily accessible area with enough space for the robot vacuum to dock and undock without obstructions. It is often recommended to place the dock against a wall or in a corner for stability.

52. How long do robot vacuums last?

The lifespan of a robot vacuum can vary depending on factors such as usage, maintenance, and the quality of the device. On average, a well-maintained robot vacuum can last anywhere from 3 to 5 years.

53. What is LiDAR in a robot vacuum?

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a technology used in some advanced robot vacuums for mapping and navigation purposes. It utilizes lasers to create detailed maps of the surrounding environment, allowing the robot vacuum to navigate more efficiently and accurately.

54. Which robot vacuum is best for multiple floors?

Robot vacuums that offer multi-floor mapping capabilities and automatic surface detection are ideal for cleaning multiple floors. Some popular models include the iRobot Roomba i7+, Roborock S6 MaxV, and Neato Botvac D7 Connected.

55. What is robot vacuum mapping?

Robot vacuum mapping refers to the process by which a robot vacuum creates a map or floor plan of its surroundings. This map helps the robot vacuum navigate efficiently, avoid obstacles, and clean systematically.

56. Why are robot vacuums so expensive?

Robot vacuums incorporate advanced technologies such as mapping, smart navigation, and powerful suction systems. These features, along with research and development costs, contribute to the higher price compared to traditional vacuum cleaners.

57. Why are robot vacuums round?

The round shape of robot vacuums allows them to navigate corners and tight spaces more effectively. Round designs also offer better maneuverability and prevent the device from getting stuck in corners or against walls.

58. How long do robot vacuums’ batteries last?

The battery life of robot vacuums can vary depending on factors such as the model, cleaning modes, and floor size. On average, most robot vacuums can run for 60 to 120 minutes before needing to recharge.

59. Why does my robot vacuum keep going backwards?

If your robot vacuum keeps going backwards, it may be due to wheel obstructions or sensor issues. Check for any tangled debris around the wheels and ensure that the sensors are clean and functioning properly.

60. Why does my robot vacuum keep beeping while charging?

Beeping sounds during charging may indicate issues such as a loose connection between the robot vacuum and dock, low battery voltage, or a fault in the charging circuit. Refer to the user manual or contact customer support for further assistance.

61. Can robot vacuums be hacked?

While there have been rare instances of attempted hacking, the risk of a robot vacuum being hacked is relatively low. Manufacturers implement security measures to protect the devices from unauthorized access.

62. Which robot vacuum avoids poop?

Some robot vacuums have advanced sensors that can detect and avoid obstacles, including pet waste. However, it is always recommended to clean up any pet waste manually before running a robot vacuum.

63. Which robotic pool vacuum is best?

The best robotic pool vacuum depends on factors such as pool size, shape, and specific cleaning requirements. Popular options include models from Dolphin, Polaris, and Hayward, each offering different features and performance capabilities.

64. Are robot vacuums safe for cats?

Robot vacuums are generally safe for cats. However, individual reactions may vary. It is advisable to supervise your cat’s interaction with the robot vacuum initially to ensure their comfort and safety.

65. How do robot vacuum boundary strips work?

Robot vacuum boundary strips, also known as virtual walls or magnetic strips, emit signals that act as barriers to restrict the robot vacuum’s cleaning area. The strips are placed in doorways or areas where you don’t want the robot vacuum to enter.

66. How do robot vacuums empty themselves?

Self-emptying robot vacuums typically have a docking station with a built-in dustbin. After completing a cleaning cycle, the robot vacuum returns to the dock, and a mechanism inside the dock empties the dustbin into a larger container or bag within the dock.

67. How does a robot vacuum know where to clean?

Robot vacuums use various sensors such as infrared, cameras, or lasers to detect and map their surroundings. These sensors enable them to navigate the space and identify areas that require cleaning.

68. How do robot vacuums clean corners?

Robot vacuums clean corners using side brushes or edge cleaning modes. These brushes sweep debris from corners and edges towards the suction opening, allowing the vacuum to capture dirt and dust.

69. How do robot vacuums navigate?

Robot vacuums navigate using sensors that detect obstacles, cliffs, or walls. They create a map of the environment and use algorithms to determine the most efficient cleaning path.

70. How does robot vacuum mapping work?

Robot vacuum mapping involves the use of sensors such as cameras or lasers to scan and create a digital map of the cleaning area. This map guides the robot vacuum in navigating and cleaning the space effectively.

71. Which robot vacuum is compatible with Google Home?

Several robot vacuums are compatible with Google Home, including models from iRobot Roomba, Eufy RoboVac, and Neato Botvac. Check the manufacturer’s specifications or product details for compatibility information.

72. How much electricity does a robot vacuum use?

The electricity consumption of a robot vacuum varies depending on factors such as the model, cleaning time, and suction power. On average, robot vacuums consume around 20 to 40 watts of electricity.

73. How much is a robot pool vacuum?

The cost of a robot pool vacuum varies depending on factors such as brand, features, and pool size. Prices can range from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars.

74. How to map a robot vacuum?

Robot vacuums typically map their environment automatically during their initial cleaning cycles. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setting up and initiating the mapping process.

75. How to stop a robot vacuum from getting stuck?

To prevent a robot vacuum from getting stuck, you can remove potential obstacles or hazards from the cleaning area, secure loose cables or rugs, and use virtual walls or magnetic strips to create boundaries.

76. How to use a robot vacuum on multiple floors?

If your robot vacuum supports multi-floor mapping, set up separate cleaning schedules or saved maps for each floor. Alternatively, manually carry the robot vacuum to different floors and start the cleaning cycle as needed.

77. How to keep a robot vacuum from going under couches?

You can use physical barriers such as furniture risers or boundary strips to prevent a robot vacuum from going under couches or other low-profile furniture. Alternatively, adjust the height settings of the robot vacuum if available.

78. Can Roborock Vacuum and Mop at the Same Time?

Yes, Roborock vacuum cleaners have the capability to vacuum and mop at the same time. These intelligent robots are equipped with water tanks and mopping attachments that allow them to simultaneously sweep and mop the floor, providing a comprehensive cleaning experience.

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