Investing can be an intimidating prospect, especially for those new to the financial world.

However, building wealth through smart investments is an essential part of achieving long-term financial security. As a beginner investor in Malaysia, you may be wondering what types of investments are the safest and most suitable for your needs.

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the top investment options that are well-suited for Malaysian beginners.

We'll discuss the key features, benefits, and potential drawbacks of each investment type to help you determine the best fit for your financial goals and risk tolerance. 

What to Consider as a Beginner Investor in Malaysia?

Before diving into the specific investment options, it's important to first understand the factors you should consider as a new investor in Malaysia.

Here are some of the key things to think about:

  • Risk Tolerance: As a beginner, it's crucial to assess your personal risk tolerance. Some investments carry higher levels of risk and volatility, while others are more stable and conservative. Knowing how much risk you're comfortable with will help guide your investment decisions.
  • Investment Time Horizon: How long do you plan to hold your investments before needing to access the funds? Investments with shorter time horizons generally require a more conservative approach, while longer-term investments can potentially withstand more market fluctuations.
  • Financial Goals: Are you investing to save for retirement, a down payment on a house, your child's education, or something else? Clearly defining your financial objectives will influence the types of investments that are most appropriate.
  • Investment Knowledge and Experience: As a beginner, you may not have extensive experience with investing. Starting with simpler, more beginner-friendly options can help you get comfortable before venturing into more complex investment vehicles.
  • Budget and Capital: How much money do you have available to invest? This will determine the minimum investment amounts for different options and whether you can diversify across multiple investments.

With these factors in mind, let's explore some of the top investment choices for Malaysian beginners.

Savings Accounts and Fixed Deposits

Savings Accounts and Fixed Deposits

One of the safest and most accessible investment options for beginners is a savings account or fixed deposit.

These are low-risk, low-return options that provide a stable, predictable source of interest income.

Savings Accounts:

  • Savings accounts allow you to deposit your money and earn a small amount of interest on the balance.
  • Interest rates on Malaysian savings accounts are typically around 1-3% per year.
  • Savings accounts offer easy access to your funds, making them suitable for short-term savings goals or emergency funds.
  • They are considered one of the lowest-risk investment options, with minimal volatility.

Fixed Deposits:

  • Fixed deposits (FDs) involve depositing a lump sum of money for a fixed term, typically ranging from 1 month to 5 years.
  • In exchange, the bank pays you a higher interest rate compared to a regular savings account.
  • Interest rates on Malaysian fixed deposits are generally between 2-4% per year, depending on the term length.
  • Funds in a fixed deposit are locked in for the duration of the term, so this investment is better suited for medium-term goals.
  • Fixed deposits are also considered very low-risk, as the principal investment is guaranteed by the bank.

Both savings accounts and fixed deposits are excellent options for beginner investors who want to preserve their capital while earning a modest return.

They provide a safe, stable foundation for your investment portfolio.

Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds

Unit Trusts and Investment Funds

Another popular investment choice for beginners is unit trusts and investment funds.

These pooled investment vehicles allow you to access a diversified portfolio of assets, managed by professional fund managers.

Unit Trusts:

  • Unit trusts, also known as mutual funds, pool money from multiple investors and invest it in a variety of assets like stocks, bonds, and real estate.
  • When you invest in a unit trust, you purchase "units" that represent a portion of the overall fund.
  • Unit trusts offer instant diversification, professional management, and access to a wider range of investment opportunities.
  • Returns from unit trusts can vary significantly depending on the fund's performance, but they generally provide higher potential returns than savings accounts or fixed deposits.
  • There are many different types of unit trusts in Malaysia, such as equity funds, bond funds, and balanced funds, to suit different risk profiles and investment objectives.

Investment Funds:

  • Investment funds are similar to unit trusts, but they are typically structured as open-ended investment companies (OEICs) rather than trusts.
  • The key difference is that investment fund shares are priced based on the net asset value (NAV) of the underlying investments, rather than being divided into units.
  • Malaysian investment funds cover a wide range of asset classes and investment strategies, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and more.
  • They offer the same benefits as unit trusts, such as diversification, professional management, and access to a broader range of investments.

Unit trusts and investment funds are excellent options for beginner investors who want to participate in the financial markets without the complexity of selecting and managing individual investments.

They provide a convenient and diversified way to grow your wealth over the long term.

exchange-traded funds (etfs) malaysia

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are another investment option that is well-suited for beginners.

ETFs are similar to unit trusts in that they provide exposure to a diversified portfolio of assets, but they trade on stock exchanges like individual stocks.

Key Features of ETFs:

  • ETFs track the performance of a specific index, sector, or asset class, such as the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI, the S&P 500, or a basket of commodities.
  • They offer instant diversification, as a single ETF share represents ownership in multiple underlying securities.
  • ETFs are passively managed, meaning the fund manager simply replicates the composition of the index or asset class it tracks, rather than actively selecting individual investments.
  • This passive management approach typically results in lower management fees compared to actively managed funds.
  • Malaysian investors can access a wide range of ETFs that provide exposure to both domestic and international markets, as well as different asset classes.

Benefits of ETFs for Beginners:

  • Diversification: ETFs allow you to easily diversify your portfolio across different sectors, industries, or asset classes.
  • Low Costs: The passive management approach of ETFs results in lower expense ratios compared to actively managed funds.
  • Liquidity: ETFs can be bought and sold on stock exchanges throughout the trading day, providing greater liquidity than some other investment options.
  • Transparency: The holdings and performance of ETFs are publicly disclosed, making it easier for investors to understand what they're investing in.

For beginners looking to dip their toes into the stock market, ETFs can be an excellent starting point.

They provide a simple and cost-effective way to gain broad market exposure and participate in the growth of various sectors and asset classes.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are another investment option that can be well-suited for beginners.

REITs are companies that own and operate income-generating real estate, such as office buildings, shopping malls, apartments, and industrial properties.

Key Features of REITs:

  • REITs are required to distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders in the form of dividends.
  • This provides investors with a steady stream of passive income, typically higher than what they would earn from a savings account or fixed deposit.
  • Malaysian REITs invest in a diverse range of real estate assets, including commercial, residential, and industrial properties.
  • Investing in REITs allows you to participate in the real estate market without the hassle of directly owning and managing properties.
  • REITs are publicly traded on stock exchanges, making them easily accessible to individual investors.

Benefits of REITs for Beginners:

  • Steady Income: The high dividend payouts from REITs provide a reliable source of passive income for investors.
  • Diversification: REITs offer exposure to the real estate sector, which can help diversify your investment portfolio.
  • Professional Management: REIT properties are managed by experienced real estate professionals, relieving investors of the day-to-day responsibilities.
  • Liquidity: REITs can be bought and sold on stock exchanges, providing greater liquidity compared to direct real estate investments.

For beginners looking to gain exposure to the real estate market, REITs can be an attractive option.

They offer a relatively low-risk, high-yield investment opportunity that can complement other assets in your portfolio.



In recent years, the rise of robo-advisors has made investing more accessible and user-friendly for beginners.

Robo-advisors are digital investment management platforms that use algorithms and technology to automate the investment process.

Key Features of Robo-Advisors:

  • Robo-advisors use sophisticated algorithms to create and manage diversified investment portfolios based on your risk profile and financial goals.
  • They typically invest in a mix of low-cost index funds and ETFs, providing instant diversification.
  • The investment process is entirely digital, with no need for in-person interactions or complex investment decisions.
  • Robo-advisors offer features like automatic portfolio rebalancing, tax-loss harvesting, and goal-based investing to optimize your returns.
  • Malaysian robo-advisor platforms like Stashaway, Funding Societies, and Wahed Invest have gained popularity in recent years.

Benefits of Robo-Advisors for Beginners:

  • Simplicity: Robo-advisors make investing easy and accessible, even for those with little to no prior experience.
  • Affordability: Robo-advisor fees are generally lower than those charged by traditional financial advisors.
  • Diversification: Robo-advisors automatically create and manage diversified investment portfolios.
  • Automated Investing: Features like automatic rebalancing and tax-loss harvesting help optimize your investments.
  • Access to Professional Expertise: Robo-advisors leverage the expertise of financial professionals to manage your investments.

For beginners who want a hands-off, technology-driven approach to investing, robo-advisors can be an excellent choice.

They provide a user-friendly and cost-effective way to start building wealth through a diversified investment portfolio.


As a beginner investor in Malaysia, you have a range of investment options to choose from, each with its own unique features and benefits.

When starting your investment journey, it's important to carefully consider your personal circumstances, risk tolerance, and long-term objectives.

Take the time to research and understand the different investment vehicles available, and don't hesitate to seek guidance from financial professionals if needed. Remember that investing is a long-term process, and building wealth takes patience and discipline. 

By starting with the right investment choices for your situation, you can lay a solid foundation for your financial future and take the first steps towards achieving your financial dreams.

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